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1. Bread in the Bible

1. Bread in the Bible

by Nate Carden

 Bread was the means of reconciliation after the Fall. Through the production of Bread, God taught mankind to trust in him, repent of sin, and walk with him in gratitude. 

Bread is a partnership between Man and God. God is responsible for providing the seed, the soil, the sun, and the rain. We provide the planting, the harvesting, the grinding, and the baking.

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2. Wheat Went Wrong?

2. Wheat Went Wrong?

by Nate Carden

Mankind's greatest temptation has always been to be like God, to be freed from his rule, to be dependent on no one but ourselves. Our first effort to be like God was to eat food that gave knowledge. Our last effort to be like God will be using knowledge to create food. In both cases, man ate food that God did not provide.

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3. Bring Your Best Offering to God

3. Bring Your Best Offering to God

by Nate Carden

If we don’t need God for the seed (we can create our own “better” versions in a lab), and we don’t need him for the soil (we have fertilizer), and we don’t need him for the rain (we have irrigation), then what are we thanking him for in our Eucharistic (Thanksgiving) meal?

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